CFF - C Fast Fetch - Developed with l0py2

Github Repo


🚀 CFF - C Fast Fetch

A fetch that aims to run as fast as possible. Developed for fun (and for GNU/Linux systems).

Blazingly fast 🏎️💨


$ make


$ make clean

Running (locally):

$ ./cff


$ sudo make install

$ sudo make uninstall


$ cff


Variables and Macros:

LEFT_PAD: If you define icons in icons[], makes sure you set this to " " so the module name doesn’t stick to the icon. (Default: “”)

FETCH_COLOR: sets the color to the names of the modules (Default: BLUE)

LOGO_COLOR: sets the color the logo of the fetch. (Default: CYAN)

static const char* icons[]: You can define the icons to the builtin modules here, Default:

static const char* icons[] = { "", "", "", "", "", "", "" };

static const int fetch_order[]: You can define the order of the fetch here. The default one is:

static const int fetch_order[] = { USER, HOST, CWD, UPTIME, RAM, KERNEL, DE, PALETTE };

static struct SCRIPT scripts[]: Here is where external scripts go. This array is of the SCRIPT datatype which has 3 attributes:

struct SCRIPT {
	char* path;
	char* icon;
	char* name;

If you wish to add an external script first you add it to the scripts array:

static struct SCRIPT scripts[] = {
	{ "path/to/script", "script icon", "script name (the name that shows on the fetch)" }

Then you add EXTERNAL+i to the fetch_order array, where the i is equal to the index of your script in the scripts array.

⚠️ Keep in mind the following when using external scripts:

  • The buffer that is allocated to store the script output is equal to 128;
  • Only the first line of the output of the script is read;
  • Using external scripts might hurt the execution time which goes against the first premise of this program (“to run as fast as possible”).


Macro Usage
HOST Hostname of the OS
USER Current user name
UPTIME Seconds since boot
CWD Current working directory
KERNEL Kernel release
RAM Total Ram
EXTERNAL + i Executes and gets the output of scripts[i]
PALETTE Prints the color palette. Should be at the end of fetch_order[]


  • Add and update more modules:
  • release name
  • external scripting
  • Add Fetch ASCII ART
  • Color support

