
I do not use dwm currently but my build of dwm and dwmblocks can be found here: Github Repo

From README.md

Suckless Software builds.

My Rice:

This repo contains my builds of:

  • DWM - The suckless window manager
  • DWMBlocks - Status bar and module scripts
  • DMenu - For now, it is default


A Very minimal build of dwm. Uses pywal colorscheme at colors-wal-dwm.h, patched to remove Urgent color scheme.


Make sure you change everything in autostart.sh to fit your system. If you want those (not!) workspaces icons use a nerdfont.



Adding a module: Add it to this array in blocks.h

static const Block blocks[] = {
    /*Icon*/ /*Command*/ /*Update Interval*/ /*Update Signal*/
    {"", "~/path/to/script", -, -}